Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Array Types in java

Array types are the second kind of reference types in Java. An array is an ordered collection, or numbered list, of values. The values can be primitive values, objects, or even other arrays, but all of the values in an array must be of the same type. The type of the array is the type of the values it holds, followed by the characters []. For example: 

byte b;                        // byte is a primitive type
byte[] arrayOfBytes;           // byte[] is an array type: array of byte
byte[][] arrayOfArrayOfBytes;  // byte[][] is another type: array of byte[]
Point[] points;                // Point[] is an array of Point objects
For compatibility with C and C++, Java also supports another syntax for declaring variables of array type. In this syntax, one or more pairs of square brackets follow the name of the variable, rather than the name of the type: 
byte arrayOfBytes[];            // Same as byte[] arrayOfBytes
byte arrayOfArrayOfBytes[][];   // Same as byte[][] arrayOfArrayOfBytes
byte[] arrayOfArrayOfBytes[];   // Ugh! Same as byte[][] arrayOfArrayOfBytes
This is almost always a confusing syntax, however, and it is not recommended. 
With classes and objects, we have separate terms for the type and the values of that type. With arrays, the single word array does double duty as the name of both the type and the value. Thus, we can speak of the array type int[] (a type) and an array of int (a particular array value). In practice, it is usually clear from context whether a type or a value is being discussed. 

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